
Show Us Some Skin[s]

Quick note, we posted a new gallery and hope that you will grace us with your consoles beauty captured forever in JPG format. [Or at least until your wipe the pictures off your camera. Check out the new addition in the gallery now.

Once More, With Feeling

As you may have noticed yesterday we had bit of downtime. That damn linux server through a hissy fit, but she's back to playing nice with us for the time being. Feel free to do the celebratory dance of your choosing.

Oh yeah, keep your eyes peeled people. We are going to be launching some new and improved site items shortly.

Whatchu Lookin' At?

The image gallery is finally live and kickin' peoples! You may now break out in celebratory and appreciative dance, but we are not sanctioning interpretive dancing of any kind. Go ahead, click that gallery link up there, you know you want to.

p.s. - be on the look out for future gallery updates.

Afternoon Delight

Something new has been added! If you haven't noticed we've added a "search this blog" feature through Technorati. It pulls you off our site to technorati's in order to search, but you can click the url link back to us to pop back here. Give her a try and let us know what you think.

Monday Morning Quickie v.2.2

We are bringin you even more newness to the Electric Sista Hood. We have now split apart our RSS feed into two new shiny pieces; Podcast and Reviews. Two feed sources mean more concentrated gaming and anime goodness for you. Update your readers/clients and subscribe to both of our us your love.

Newness Abounds!

Notice anything, um, different? Well you should, we've been crazy busy making things better for you our loyal readers and listeners. We've got a new banner graphic that better jibes with our groove [at least until the avatars are done] and the navigation has switched around a bit as well. You will notice that "Blunderifica" is gone; it just didn't fit here any longer especially since I hadn't updated it since April ;). And we moved that disclaimer page to a link off the navigation bar. Oh yeah, we changed the page layout out a tad bit.

We feel these are good and positive steps that you had besta appreciate...I've been coding my lil butt off!

We are also starting a weekly sweepstakes where we are going to give away some custom ESH M&Ms. Free candy people! All you have to do is comment on things, send us an email, and we'll pick a candy winner. We will be announcing winners in the podcast and then on the enter to win da candy yo!

Quick Fixes

Sorry about the mix up friends. For some reason the ElectricSistaHood blog commenting settings were set up wrong by me. [Don't drink and blog kids] It's now fixed so you don't HAVE to have a blogger account in order to comment on the blogs. My bad.

Updates Abound

Finally, we are live. [Sort of]. The initial Blunderifica and ElectricSistaHood blogs are up. Check the links above to see what's going on over there. Or don't, whatever.

After much much muuucccchhhhhh coding, re-coding, designing and re-designing Splendid Blunder kinda looks purdy now. I'll be posting some "on the road to a website" pics shortly so you can check out the progression of this tiny labor of love.

Other than that, no new news to speak of. Commense to readin' and postin' people. I'd like to be able to quit my day job soon. :)