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    AMC gets IMAX...sorta. (With Special Guest Commentary!)

    posted @ 6/29/2009 02:36:00 PM by King Baby Duck

    In a bold move AMC announced that they would open up IMAX screens all across the country in their theater chain. Oh, how that sounded good.

    What would've been a solid idea has instead turned into a pit of disappointment. Recently I attended a screening of "Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen" with fellow Boston Bastard Brigade members Blueonic and Bam Bam, and although they were showing it in the regular theater we decided to put down the couple extra bucks to see it in the brand-new IMAX screen. Fourteen dollars, to be exact. What will $14 get you?

    1. A clearer picture.
    2. A screen that's a couple feet bigger on each side, but not that noticeably big.
    3. The same sound system as the regular theater.
    4. The same awkward sticky seats that the regular theaters have.

    In layman's terms: a waste of money. How so? Well let's compare the AMC IMAX to a regular IMAX, using both the Jordan's Furniture IMAX in Reading, MA ($11.50 a ticket) and the New England Aquarium IMAX in Boston, MA ($9.95 a ticket) as examples. Here's what they offer:

    1. A super-clear picture.
    2. A movie screen that makes you drool in anticipation of what you're about to see.
    3. A sound system that makes you vibrate with ecstasy and has you feel the action.
    4. Comfy leather seats that will always have that new car smell to it.

    So compared to the regular IMAX theaters, AMC has little-to-no bang for its extra buck. AMC's IMAX is but an imax: nothing grand or spectacular about it. If I were you I'd stick with a regular IMAX experience instead of an "AMC Presents..." imax letdown. It's cheaper and worth more bang for your buck.

    Here with a second opinion is my friend and cohost of the Boston Bastard Brigade, Blueonic:

    "Hi this is Blueonic, and I’m going to be chatting about how this weekend I saw a great movie, but in a bullshit light from the multiple projectors of the so-called AMC IMAX theater. I have to say in all my life of watching movies, this is the biggest ripoff/false advertisement that I have ever seen.

    Now where I live there is a place called the Museum of Science. Of course it’s gotten boring because there is barely anything new that plays there. But there is this setup that’s called the Omni Theater. It's like you’re sitting in a room that has this massive bubble that almost goes all the way around you. The films on these are always science-based bullshit, so I’ll save you from that. But anyways there is yet again another place called Jordan’s Furniture, which has what is called “IMAX”. This has to be what I call true IMAX, the real experience of watching movies on this screen will make you glad that you’re not blind or deaf. The beautiful clarity of the movie makes you feel like you’re in the actual movie. Hell, with the way the screen is and how comfortable the seats are, you can just pass out. But to keep you awake it has sort of a rumble pack or sub-woofer in the seats, so when shit goes boom on the screen, it rocks your ass in the chairs. F**king awesome setup for the Jordan’s IMAX Theater, because of how the screen wraps around you, when you’re sitting in the chairs, you have your own personal space, which is good because if you’re a person who is single, or hates complete strangers sitting next to you, this is the best thing ever. But if you got your girlfriend/boyfriend/whatever, it is capable of holding hands in comfort for once.

    But if you go to an AMC/Loews franchise, then you will be very displeased. For this factor you try to hold hands with your significant others, and your arm will be so numb someone can cut it off and you won't even feel it. It makes you push away from your lover, making them think you don’t love them and thus making your little date a horrible experience. But back to the single person sitting next to a complete stranger, it sucks because either you take the armrest or you'll be the one with your hands in your lap (a.k.a. The Bitch). So I have to say, all together, this IMAX Theater isn’t the IMAX Theater, especially seeing that’s what AMC labeled this as. What they should have called it was “BIG F**KING SCREEN WITH AN INDENT THAT CAN’T BE CONSIDERED AN ANGLE”.

    If you’re wondering what I watched, it’s called Transformers 2: Rise of the Fallen. I have to say Michael Bay did an awesome job again with this movie, the only question with how they left it, it seems like there could be another one; but seeing I’m not one to keep up on Transformers I’m not sure what the next script could be about. But all in all I give the movie both thumbs up, with 9.5 out of 10 stars.

    But if I would say if you live in the area of a place that has an IMAX theater, make sure it's an actual IMAX theater. It should be a big dome shaped screen, with the multi-projector setup, comfortable seats, and of course a price that won’t burn a whole in your pocket. The price that was paid for the AMC crap was 14 dollars. Which, if you’re a normal movie person, all you can say is “THAT’S JUST TOO F**KIN' HIGH!!!” So do the damn research when it comes to going to the movies. Also, the other thing that you should do is find out from other people whether or not the movie is good, especially friends you can trust. With this crap economy it’s sometimes better to sit at home watching TV, or spending your money elsewhere till that movie comes on-demand, Netflix, or just plain old DVD/Blu-Ray. I don’t condone piracy or buying those pirated movies. I guess if you get it that way, you're still saving money somehow, but sometimes you don’t get the entire movie.

    This is Blueonic signing off."

    And there you have it: two opinions, same conclusion. Stick with the regular IMAX and avoid AMC's at all costs (and I mean that both metaphorically and financially).

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