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    King Baby Duck's Anime Calamity: Kenko Zenrakei Suieibu Umisho

    posted @ 4/12/2008 07:32:00 PM by FreeLoader
    As I am currently scrounging for some J-POP I can review, I would like to tell all my little duckies and kawaii kitties out there about an anime series that's got me going quackers! (Okay, I think I should stop with the duck puns before the Sistas beat me senseless!) The name of the anime is called "Kenko Zenrakei Suieibu Umisho," or "Umisho" for short.

    When Kaname was a small boy he almost drowned when he was pulled down by what appeared to be a mermaid. Since then he has never been able to swim. That hasn’t stopped him from being the swim team manager at Umisho, which is short for a high school with an extremely long name that I’m not even going to try to write. Unfortunately the swim team sucks, having won no tournaments since its inception three years before. One day a girl on a houseboat appears on the shores. Her name is Amuro, and boy can she swim. Without hesitation Kaname and vice-captain Momoko ask her to join the swim team. In no time at all the swim team gets better and better, while a seemingly lovely relationship between Kaname and Amuro begins to blossom; even though Kaname is always quick to deny it.

    This is a show where the characters shine as bright as the sun. Amuro is probably one of the funniest, optimistic leading ladies in recent anime memory; and the chemistry between her and the other members of the swim team is truly memorable. The show-stealer, though, has to be the team captain Ikamasa. Not a single moment goes by where he isn’t bringing in the biggest laughs on the show. Plus with all the fan-service that goes into a show involving swimming you can bet on plenty of boob and butt jokes, as well as some below-the-belt humor that any high school and college kid can enjoy. What’s great about the series is that these usually-tiresome jokes do not wear out their welcome. It’s got that sort of Benny Hill lucky charm. It can be the same joke a thousand times, but it’s still just as funny as before.

    “Umisho” aired in Japan last July, and its manga is currently still running. However neither has been licensed, so it could be a year or two before it comes to these shores. But be patient: for it’ll be worth the wait when “Umisho” gets released here. Funny, heartfelt, and wonderful plotlines that will have you screaming for more. “Umisho” gets an A- in my book.

    This is King Baby Duck saying "If it ain't made in Japan, it's usually crap!"

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