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    King Baby Duck's Anime Calamity: Rosario + Vampire

    posted @ 4/26/2008 05:59:00 PM by FreeLoader
    I am just about ready to give another J-VOLUTION in the next week or so. Until then, here's another Anime Calamity for you all to read. This week we look at GONZO's "Rosario + Vampire."

    Tsukune is your average student. He’s so average that there is nothing special about him. After failing to get into any private schools due to poor grades Tsukune just about gives up; until he finds an acceptance letter to Youkai Academy, which he’s never heard of. Without hesitation Tsukune goes to his new high school, only to find that he has entered a high school for monsters (youkai meaning monster). Tsukune has to keep his humanity a secret, for if a human finds out about the school he/she must automatically be executed.

    At Youkai, Tsukune meets Moka, a sweet high school girl with a very short skirt. She is a vampire who prefers the taste of Tsukune’s blood, but is always kind and gentle. Almost immediately Tsukune falls in love with her. Around Moka’s neck is a rosary, which if taken off reveals Moka’s true vampire nature; one of coldness and arrogance. Also at the school is Kurumu the succubus, who always tries to seduce Tsukune into making him her slave, and Yukari, the 11-year old witch prodigy. A love-square for Tsukune’s love becomes imminent.

    There are a few humorous moments and such; but it feels like the same jokes are repeated over and over again (and not in a good way like “Umisho” did it). The fan-service gets tiresome, as well. You cannot go ten seconds without seeing Moka’s or Kurumu’s panties; and when a straight guy like me says it’s getting tedious then it’s seriously getting dull. The characters are very uninteresting, and when the "heroes" are in danger I just wished they would be killed off so I wouldn't have to watch another episode of this crap! In fact the only good character in this show is Nazo, the narrating bat. He is quite funny as he is adorable; going around school covering naughty pictures and giving the exact time of the previous battle with his charm and cuteness. However watching “Rosario + Vampire” just for an animal character is kind of pointless (like watching the loli-con anime “Moetan” just for Ah-kun the Duck). The action scenes -- well-animated as they were -- were too quick for their own good; and it feels that Gonzo and the writers did this so they can satisfy the need to add more and more panty-shots without seeing these dimwitted female monsters and stupid human being in so much peril.

    The only reason why I kept watching this show was because there was nothing good on American TV; and now I regret wasting my time watching this series. In fact I’d rather watch a marathon of really bad tentacle-filled hentai than this drivel! And here's the worst part: another season is now in the works. Make another "Afro Samurai" series instead of this sore excuse for fan-service, humor, and action!

    This series gets a D-average. It wears out its welcome by episode 4; and although it ends a little bit better, "Rosario + Vampire" should be ignored by even the biggest fan-service lovers.

    Usually this is where I'd say, "This is King Baby Duck saying, 'If it ain't made in Japan, it's usually crap!'" However, since this was quite the awful show I am going to leave my quote this week as this: "Even Japan produces a stinker or two once in awhile!"

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