Anime Review: Diamond Daydreams

Diamond Daydreams is a series that follows the stories of 6 women in Hokkaido. Atsuko, Karin, Kyoko, Suomi, Shoko, and Akari. I started watching this series by accident. My cable provider recently added Anime On Demand [still waiting for the Anime Network 24/7 but I'm not going to hold my breath] and I was browsing through all the episodes on the list when I came across the title, "Diamond Daydreams - Ep.01. Drawn to it like a moth to a flame I was. Do you have any idea how damned rare to catch a series from episode one On Demand?!

But I'm digressing.

It was a lark really. I didn't think it was going to be interesting at all. In all honesty I expected it to suck. I just wanted some background noise going on as I killed some time...but oh no, the damn thing had to be good. It's not earth shattering, but the initial episode draws you in so much you find yourself caring about and rooting for the episodes main character Atsuko. She's the typical hard working, seldom praised, near 20-something girl that's stuck between a rock and a hard place: A crush on a jazz playing, smooth older man [Mr. Kurata] or a pre-arranged engagement to a young, rich, boy who is quite controlling [Minoru]. After watching the episode I found myself needing to know what happens. So I grabbed my trusty laptop and heading to the Anime Network website to see when the next episode would air.

At the time, it was going to be more than 3 weeks until episode 2 was due to air. I nearly pulled my hair out. I needed to know if Atsuko picked Kurata or Minoru. And seeing as how each girl only has 2 episodes to tell their story, I rushed out and bought the DVD. I won’t give it away, but I have to say I was surprised. I have yet to watch Karin’s story, but I’m hopeful it will be as interesting as Atsuko’s.

As far as the quality goes it’s your typical anime…no astounding visuals, no OMG moment, nothing spectacular. It was just an enjoyable way to spend an hour. If you have the Anime Network, you should check it out. If not, you can buy it from ADV for around 30 bucks.

ninjaSistah out --