AB2K6 Day 1

Panda and I have finally returned from the magical land of oz (Anime Boston 2006). We spent the day perusing the dealer's room and artist's alley, the only event we ended up going to was the AMV showing. Despite this seeming lack of participation our day was full and I enjoyed myself tremendously.

The Cosplaying this year was dominated by the usuals. Inu-yasha, Full Metal Alchemist and Naruto were strong presences, Wolf's Rain and Bleach were both popular as well. I saw a few Yunas, a Vincent and several Clouds ( all from FF). There was an amazing Alucard complete with a transformed dog-arm with glowing red eyes and a Krad with fully extendable wings. I even saw a Jesus (I think Panda got a picture) and a Marrow (X-Men Comics.)

The artists' alley was definately a step up from last year. The whole hall was filled with tables and even a special annex had to be added. Some of my favorite web comics were represented; Dominic Deegan: Oracle for Hire, Angel Moxie and Comedity. Also Svetlana Chmakova creator of Dramacon had a booth in the alley. I met her breifly last year in the dealer's room and bought a beautiful print of hers. She's a total sweetheart and has none of that I'm-a-famous-author arrogance at all. Panda and I chatted with her for a few minutes. I had a headshot of me as an anime character drawn at one of the booths and bought some very nice prints. I'll have to ask Ninja if it'd be alright to display another person's art on our site, cuz I totally want you guys to see what I got. Panda and I are planning to have ourselves drawn chibified tommorrow and there are three different tables willing to do it (I counted.) I wanna hit them all and come home with an army of chibi Magics.

The dealer's room is the same as always. If it's anime themed and you happen to desire it chances are that they're already producing and selling it. I was surprised at the amount of Hentail Dojushinshi (sp?) at the different tables. It seemed that every booth had at least a small box for sale. This year I promised myself that I wouldn't buy any anime or manga that I could buy elsewhere and so far I have stuck to that promise. I decided pre-con to get myself a 24 set of Copic markers for my birthday (May 29th) and that's gonna take up a majority of my con spending money. I plan to go back through the alley and maybe buy more art there as well.

If you want to look for me tomorrow here's the details. I'm a 5'9" blonde white chick, I'll be wearing my red thundercats tee and my yellow sneakers. Yeah, I own yellow sneakers got a problem with that? (They were just so hideous and bright I had to get them.) I always have my hair up in a ponytail. I'll be hanging with Panda all day, so if you see us give a shout out.

::EDIT:: It's too damn hot to be wearing sleeves, short or not. I'll be wearing a sleveless white tee. The shoulder panels are red and it's got a WW2 poster girl on the front. Still wearing the yellow sneakers tho.

Luv and Huggs,