And Now The Amazing MagicMysticGrl Arrives...

Hey-lo Everybody. My name is MagicMysticGrl (Magic or Mystic for short) and I am joining this here sistahood. Panda drafted me to create some luscious Avatar goodness for herself and Ninja and I bullied my way into the rank of Site Participator. This means that I get to write reviews and blogs all by my lonesome (no chaperones whatsoever.) I would join the podcasts as well but I have an ancient wreck of a computer that has had too many download programs on it over the years. These days it doesn't run much more than word. Count yourself lucky that you don't have to subject yourself to my gravelly voice. I've heard myself on answering machines folks Whoo, you do not want to go there.

I'm a bit of a hermit, I hide in my room and play my PS2, read manga and watch anime all day long, so I probably won't post often. I do promise that whenever I do come out to play and post I'll have something wonderful for you. I have a large library of anime, manga and PS1/2 games so I'll be reviewing new and older stuff. Prepare to be amazed.

Luv and Huggz,


On May 12, 2006 10:40 PM, NinJaSistah said...

Hey hey Magic, we couldn't be happier to have you in the sistahood! I'm looking forward to your manga and anime reviews.

On May 17, 2006 11:33 AM, Nutsy Waterbelly said...

Hiya Mystic! Welcome aboard the raging ride of the sistahood. I'm sure happy to have you. sorry for the delay in my welcome, haven't had a chance to play lately.

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