E3, is nearly upon us people. While the sistahs' will not be hitting the conference this year [so sad, please lord let someone hook us up and send us to E3 next year] we will be dogging every resource on the net to bring you our viewers the best stuff from the conference.
Now if you don't know what E3 is, you had better not call yourself a gamer. You're just a poser. I do bite my thumb at you sir. [or madam as the case may warrant] If you are an anime buff and not a gamer E3 is like an anime-con, but for gamers, involving video games...and booth babes. Basically the big 3 show up to brag about how big and bad their hardware is and all the developers show off demos and FMV of their games. They all smile and dance and dance and dance and dance and dance and dance.
Man that thing always gives me the giggles. I'm digressing again. Needless to say while I'm recouping and digging up E3 info, Pandalicious is going to take over daily publishing duties. So check in let her know how she's doing and keep an eye on her for me. I never know WHAT is going to come out of that girls head.
Oh yeah, next episode of our podcast will be up shortly too. If you read my comments you know that we are switching apps [just couldn't get GarageBand working right] so now will be using Skype and Audio Hijack Pro to record our episodes. This should improve the audio quality greatly as well.
NinJaSistah out --
If there is anyone out there that would like to sponsor us going to E3 next year...you know where to find me.
Alright sistahs. I appreciate the whole iFilm thing but it uses a flash app that my uber geek husband can't see on his machine. Apparently those Macromedia (well, now Adobe) peeps haven't caught up with the 64 bit chips. De Flash, she no worky wit da 64 bit. So de hubbie, he no see the iFilm. Well, I showed it to him on my machine, but bloody hell that's annoying!
Anywho's, thought you'd want to know.
And I think I was just that kind of dork in high school. With bigger hair and less fashion sense. "Polka Dot? I'd love to!"
much luv to da sistahs!
Yeah, unfortunately can't control the format that ifilm uses. I just love that damn clip, it cracks me up. Think we'll try using YouTube next time. We like to share da luv.
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