Gimme a Break

Alight here's the scenario: I'm two boss battles away from beating Kingdom Hearts 2. My thumbs are well rested. I actually ate breakfast this morning. So what's the next move? Gather up a bunch of goodies and let slip the dogs of war?

Nope, I'm going to start a completely different game. I needed a KH2 break. I'm not ready for the experience to be over. I have had waay too much fun slicing, dicing, jumping, and limiting my way through all the worlds. Being this close to seeing the ending movie almost makes all the hours of gameplay that came before feel cheap. What I mean to say is the journey has been so much fun, that now that I am at the doorway of my final destination I hesitate to ring the doorbell.

I won't go into details as the ever "soon-to-be-recorded" podcast will cover this but, KH2 is worth the journey. Even so, I picked up a game this weekend from one of my local GameStops to use as my KH2 breather. The game? Amplitude. I cannot stress this enough, "YOU SHOULD OWN THIS GAME." Amplitude is the kind of game that you go head to head with your friends to prove that your skills far outweigh theirs. It is a music based pattern game.

Created by the fly ass people over at Harmonix. [You know, they made Frequency and I believe they had a hand in Guitar Hero...which I am still trying to get cash together to buy] Amplitude is working th HELL out of my fingers, but I keep coming back for more. Basically you have to blow up these lil sound pod thingies on the track before you in order to release the sound contained within it and also rack up points. Blow up all the pods on a given instrument track, and that part of the song plays. Successfully blow up the bass, vocal, drum, and synth tracks and the song plays. After a certain amount of time notes re-appear on each instrument path, making you return to that path and blow up the sound pods all over again.

I had rented the game a couple of years ago, but had not purchased it. I was never able to find it in a store. It was by accident that I found the only copy at GameStop this weekend. I had gone to the store in order to pick up the new copy of GameInformer and some Nintendo knick knacks... [I just love those lil rubber bracelet things they make] and there it was. Alone on the top shelf of the used game section. Marked down to $12.99. I immediately forgot about the GI magazine I had been looking for and just grabbed the game and ran. [AFTER paying for it, we don't promote 5 finger discounts here] Amplitude lets those of us who stand no chance in hell of playing Dance Dance Revolution on a dance pad well a shot at playing a rhythm based game well.

If you've ever played Mad Maestro, Space Channel 5, hell even PaRappa tha Rapper, you owe it to yourself to buy try Amplitude.

I need to get my hands on Guitar Hero so bad... oh yeah, and beat Kingdom Hearts 2

NinJaSistah out --


At 4:08 PM, MagicMysticGrl said...

There are ways to make the KH2 experience last. I have spent hours completing all of the gummi missions, finding each and every treasure and doing all of the missions.

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