Magic Goes to Midnight Showing of X-3

Whoo-boy. What to say. This movie had me jumping up and down in my seat like a little girl. I never do that, I'm a very subdued person.. I enjoy sleeping and sitting around my house. X-men: The Last Stand is an amazing movie and I order anyone who reads this to go watch it.

A "cure" has been found to permanently supress the mutant gene. Mutantkind is now faced with a choice; retain their uniquness and continue to be oppressed or give up everything that makes them special in order to fit in. Unfortunately the choice may not be left up to them, with a cure at hand what is to stop the humans from exterminating the mutants by force. Magneto raises an army to prevent this from happening and moves to destroy the facility creating and distributing the cure. Meanwhile Jean Grey has risen from the depths of Alkalai Lake but has forgotten herself and lost control of her powers. She has become a new, more powerful creature called Phoenix and is a danger to herself and anyone who crosses her path.

I had heard that Apocalypse was supposed to be in this trilogy ending, but he didn't make an appearance. New characters included Angel, Beast, Quill, Calypso and the Morlocks. For some reason Nightcrawler, Toad and Sabertooth don't appear at all. Cyclops and Mystique had surprisingly small parts and the Professor and Storm seem to have undergone drastic personality changes. Having read many of the comics I can see that several storylines and changes in attitude that took years to develop are being accelerated in order to fit into the movie's time slot. If you are a sentimental person who is devastated when a character dies I'd be wary of this movie. Several key players are killed in a horrifyingly easy manner. ( I for one feel better if they are at least able to fight back.) Action scenes and explosions abound and there are several treasures for comic readers (Fastball special) and avid fans. The delightful quips and personality clashes are still present, but the cast of characters has grown too large to fully explore the dynamics of the whole team. The music is unobtrusive but powerfully works itself into the whole viewing experience. I would definately say that this movie fits into the category of being an epic and is best experienced on the big screen.

Final Judgement: I just got home from the midnight showing. It is 2 am and if I had telepathic powers I would order you all immediatly from your beds and into the nearest theater. This movie is a must see ASAP.


On June 04, 2006 11:37 PM, Nutsy Waterbelly said...

Wow, Really? I saw it on Friday night and I didn't think it was all that great. There were fun parts but I was terribly disappointed by the rather expiditious manner in which some of the main (and my favorite) characters exited the stage. And what's up with Rogue?

Plus, in the credits I saw a mention on Jubilie... but where the hell was she? Am I thinking of the wrong mutant?

Not to mention, people were laughing out loud when they conveniently explain how Jean managed to survive at Alcalai Lake. I felt similarly incredulous... like, oh... well! That's it is it? WTF Ever dude!! totally l4m3 explaination. And I don't use the l33t version of that lightly here.

It felt like there was a lot missing, like.. oh ... I dunno. Heart. The first two were directed by Bryan Singer, who did a terrific job but passed up X3 to do Superman Returns. Good for Supers, bad for mutants.

I found the whole thing kinda like bad take out... it tastes good going down but you're hungry 30 minutes later. Immediately after watching the movie I felt terribly dissatisfied.

Oh well, To each his own.


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