Mmm, Pocket Gaming

The DS Lite is due out June 11th which means it's time to get your game on. [If you haven't already that is.]

I have put off picking up a DS for a few reasons: (1) I hoped the PSP would turn out to be awesome and have some kick ass games, so I bought it instead; (2) I didn't think the dual screen thing would work; and (3) I bought a Gameboy Advance SP the year before and only played my original copy of Gameboy Tetris. [And I do mean, lil green screen Gameboy brick Gameboy] If Nintendo hadn't come out with any games for the Advance, they couldn't possibly come out with any games that I'd want to play on the DS.

I was wrong. I can admit to making mistakes where the DS was concerned, but I also learned from my mistake. I decided to wait for the 2nd rev of the system before buying one. I had to wait for Nintendo to fix some of the backlight and battery issues. Judging by the things I've read on Joystiq and Engadget those things have been improved. Add the fact that the New Super Mario Bros. game is available for the DS [along with a couple of other games like Nintendogs and that damn Animal Crossing one]

So if you were holding off on getting a DS, I say hold off no longer. Go out and spend you some money on June 11th. At $129 bucks, you might as well. What else were you going to do? Plant that money and try to grow you a PS3 money tree? Didn't thinks so.

NinJaSistah out--


On June 04, 2006 10:58 PM, Nutsy Waterbelly said...

Oooh!! PS3 Money Tree!! You gots a recipe for that?!?! ;-)



Anyway... the B-Man just pointed out to me (B-man = Hubbie) that behind us at a local authentic chinese food restaurant, there was a family of four chowing down, and each kid had his/her own DS. Nice.

I didn't notice cause they were tucked into the table behind me, but I would have been envious if I had. I never got any handheld consoles when **I** was a kid! I had to rock Zelda on my nephew's Gameboy after I was already done an grown!! Curses!

Will keep the DS in mind for use during the long wait for the Next Gens.

Sorry I'm so behind Sistahs. Been away and busy.

Oooh! Time for TEQUILLA!

Muuuaaaaahahaha... Watch out for the posts after this. they may get rowdy.

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