Pandalicious Presents...#2 The quest for the Revolutionary Girl Utena

Corruption,Greed,Manipulation and pulling swords outta chicks without killing them whats the frickin deal?!Pandalicious here and this isn't a review persay, it is just a little peek into the frooky world of RGU.

My first encounter with RGU was at AB2003 I saw the OVA in the dealers' room and the impulse buyer i happen to be, i bought it. I rushed it home, watched it..and was UTTERLY CONFUZZLED I was like @.@ Good LORD what does it all mean?! My brain is a page of swirls and hot lesbian tension...ahhhhhh *Explodes* the end.

This anime came from the creators of Sailor Moon. w00t to all my sailor moonies...WE ROCK and the WHOLE WORLD KNOWS IT!! If you like dramatic music and relationship tension and cars[WTF?!?] Check this out.

I just got the 2nd arc (the Black Rose Saga) and I'm attempting to get more of it. IF u have more, please feel free to spoil stuff for me, I don't mind. I'm not like those other anime lovers who go out and murder people that spoil things for me. lol

Thats all i have to say about that.

Pandaicious Out. ~^


At 2:56 PM, MagicMysticGrl said...

The Movie is far more dislexic and epileptic. I saw Rev. Girl U the Movie before anything else (cept. the manga) and was totally confused. It's an art film full of complicated metaphors, only an advanced college film class could watch it and manage to puzzle out the complicated messages. My advice is to sit back and try not to think about it too hard, just watch the pretty pictures.

At 1:45 PM, Pandalicious said...

AH HA finally i'll be getting the last arc of the series hopefully i'll get the answers i'm looking for...

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