We are off to see the Convention...The Wonderful Convention of ANIME BOSTON

And I thought life couldn't get any better.

Hello All, it is your field correspondant Pandalicious and I'm waiting as we speak for magic to get back to me so she can pick me up and we can go to AB2K6 (Anime Boston 2006)!

Yay she called *Squeals for utter joy.*

I have donned my "I love Anime" tee shirt w/ dark flare jeans. Shibby. I'll be wearing pigtails and will have a messenger back w/ a panda spray-painted on it. If you are going to be there, find me and show me some Love for the sistahood!

Magic and I will probably hit up the dealers room and roam around various places. Just tap me on the shoulder and say "Hey Pandalicious" Take a photo with me...so that Ninjasistah doesn't beat me up later...

I can't wait to come back with actual anime geekdom for the masses. TALLY HO!


At 3:28 PM, NinJaSistah said...

Looks like I'm the only sistah that doesn't get to go to AB2K6!

*whines like Sailor Moon*

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