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    Don't Panic

    posted @ 10/24/2006 05:48:00 PM by Ninjasistah
    Seriously, I'm not trying to stir up any trouble here, but I saw this article on the Destructoid site [y'all are the bomb!] and my heart missed a beat.

    Ok, more than just one, but you get the general idea. Assassin's Creed [as well as that Brothers in Arms: Hells Highway game have been delayed by Ubisoft. Not indefinitely, but have been delayed in order to help strengthen fiscal year 2007-08. Now, as Dtoid writer Robert Summa reminds us,
    "keep in mind that a delay is often a good thing. I'd rather see a polished game than a rush job."
    and he's right... but damned if I still ain't twitching over the fact that I'm not going to get my Assassin on as early as I had hoped.

    Right now there are not a whole lot of games that I am looking forward to this season like Assassin's Creed. I am not ashamed to say that I want to play Viva Pinata,Rayman: Raving Rabbids, or even that Super Swing Golf game on the Wii, but I have almost been desperate in lust for games like Assassin's Creed and even Devil May Cry 4. Mostly due to my lack of satisfaction with the games I have been playing up until now. You know how disappointed I was with Samurai Warriors 2, and N3 if I'm honest, so my saving grace was the upcoming months with the Wii and PS3 a few weeks out from launch. "Bated breath" doesn't begin to acurately explain how exciting and trembling with an-ticccccci-[SAY IT!]-pation I've been the last couple of days as the nearness of launch day 06 comes closer. How could any gamer not be excited right now? The KOTOR 2 restoration is underway, Phantasy Star Universe drops in three days [3] while Marvel: Ultimate Alliance will beat it to the shelves by a day.

    Oh yeah, can't leave out:
    Need For Speed Carbon, F.E.A.R,
    Gears of War, Tony Hawks Project 8,
    Heavenly Sword, Strangelhold,
    Ridge Racer 7, Genji: Days of the Blade,
    Red Steel, and the hotly desired Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess*
    *note, this game list included in depth to aid any and all folks that want to buy, gift, or provide a title to the hard working NinJaSistah.

    These are good times to be a gamer... if you have a shugah daddy/momma, six figure job, come from money, or have recently had a winning trip to Las Vegas. When I say I'm broke, I do mean it people. No mon, no fun.

    But I, like Mr. Summa over at Dtoid, will hope that this delay will give Ubisoft the time they need to really blow the lid of the action genre on all three next-gen platforms... else I'll be broke-assed and pissed-off which is neither fun for you or my shugah daddy!

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