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    EA Micropayment Advancement

    posted @ 10/17/2006 04:40:00 PM by Ninjasistah
    After I read this article I wasn't sure if I should be pleased or pissed. Even after the clarifying of the micropayment system, I'm still on the fence.

    I have to state up front that I am a huge supporter of cheating. I have a Code Breaker disc that allows me to have the coveted infinite double jump [Helmofawe that's for you baby!] in god of War which makes the Hades level MUCH easier to deal with. I have spent hours entering codes for individual characters in the Dynasty Warriors game ok? I am a big cheater. I'm proud of the lengths I'll go to in order to cheat. I feel truly American when I do successfully cheat in a game. I think it has something to do with the whole "getting over on the system" feeling that I get.

    So on the face of things I should be happy with EA's micropayment unlocks content for you system. Don't have enough time unlock all the content of a game? Pony up a few bucks for points to purchase it. A mere 200pts will get you a maxed out character in a game, 100pts might get you all the alternate outfits, possibilities are endless. I should be jumping for joy. This would make many more EA titles, and other developers who adopt this kind of system playable for me. It should level the playing field for the working professional who doesn't have 60 hours to max out their player character against those that do, right? I mean, it would be great to be able to buy bad ass keyblades in Kingdom Hearts 2 or max out all of Sora's abilities so that I might stand a chance against Sephiroth. [Who am I kidding, that would be awesome as hell] But somehow the announcement and subsequent clarification of it's future implementation leaves a bad taste in my mouth.

    Again, I'm not adverse to the cheating, nor am I against pay for cheating. That Code Breaker disc that I have cost me money. Not that I would do it, but mod-chips are not free either. [And mod-chips are naughty naughty bad bad] I have no objection to Game Sharks or any cheat code enabling device, but I think that this "just hand me money and here's your final level availability" think is kinda cheap and degrading. It's just too easy. If I can just buy a game and then pay an extra $20 bucks and have everything unlocked that I would have to work for in the game to get, why get the game? Before you get pissy and say, "well aren't you doing the same thing buy using that Code Breaker thingie?" I'll have to disagree with you.

    In order to take advantage of the Code Breaker, I have to track down the codes for the game that I want, and enter those in. Sure the discs come pre-loaded with a lot of games, but usually the game that you want cheats is a newly released game that will not be on the disc. There's a lot of trial and error involved as some codes do not work, or having too many turned on at a time will freeze you game, or you've entered a character incorrectly and have to track down the mistake and fix it. So even with the cheat disc, there is a fair amount of work you have to do in order to get your infinite ammo or infinite double jump. For me, it's just taking the up, down, up, down, up, up, left, right, start code entering to another level. But somehow the idea of just trading in points [which I have to pay money for] to immediately get the next five levels unlocked, or all characters unlocked without any effort. I guess that's why I'm on the fence.

    A part of me thinks it's a move in the right direction because it proves that developers are aware that not all of the gaming audience can fully enjoy their products as they are not getting full access to it, but the lack of effort that you may be able to use in order to achieve things in a game still isn't quite sitting right with me.

    What do you think?

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