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First Nerdgasm of 2010: ESH@CES Las Vegas!

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    Halo Movie Bows It's Head

    posted @ 10/20/2006 01:24:00 PM by Ninjasistah
    My boy Ro hooked me up with this tidbit this morning, and in the spirit of "share your shizzole day" I give you...

    The info on the shelving of the Halo movie. To begin with I've never been sure about a movie being based any video game, let alone Halo. I love Master Chief. If Master Chief was a soup, I'd sop him up with a biscuit... seriously, but the idea of a Halo movie with a first time feature length film director seemed like a recipe for disaster. Not one of Uwe Boll disaster level, but close.

    Tack on to the first time feature film director angle the rising budget [200 Millions and climbing] and Universal got a tad bit ansy. Can't say I blame them. If you look at the details of the deal, MS stood to gain a big ass chunk o' change... you know, foundling lil compnay like them needs all the cash they can get their lil hands on. But on the other hand I am a tad disappointed that the flick might not get made, mostly because I wanted to see who was going to be cast in the film. In my mind, Mickey Rourke is Master Chief, you'll never talk me out of it.

    Just like Linda Fiorentino SHOULD have been Aeon Flux. [She was the bomb in Jade!

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