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    OH NO! Not Again!

    posted @ 11/02/2006 05:21:00 PM by Ninjasistah
    Bad movies based on video games are bound to happen. They're like a case of crabs... you do all the stuff you need to in order to get rid of them, then you mess around with some skank [male or female] and BOOM! Another infestation.

    This time, it's of the Street Fighter and Castlevania kind.

    You know, I thought, especially with the disasters that were Alone in the Dark and DOOM that the movie studios might have learned that maybe movies based on video games are not the best idea right now. Not because the idea can't work, it's just that the studios change many things that make a game unique or enjoyable as a player but don't necessarily fit the movie cookie cutter frame that they, in the end, make a movie that barely resembles the video game product that they were banking on to help put asses in theater seats.

    Then I read the news about the upcoming Street Fighter and Castlevania movies and my heart sank to the floor. I've always thought that Castlevania plotline would be a great foundation for a feature length film. A bloodline curse to create the intrigue, vampires and the lone figure that stands against them to which you add the style the classic dark and dreary 16th century style and you have the makings of a great period, action, drama. If that doesn't ring the alarms of all studio heads nothing will. So I understand the desire to get this thing green lit... I was excited about it as well. Then I saw who would be helming the pic, Paul W.S. Anderson, and I realized the movie that I was seeing in my head was not the movie that was going to be made. If you aren't familiar with the name Paul W.S. Anderson you may know him from such films as Resident Evil, Mortal Kombat, and Event Horizon. Do I really need to say more? It's going to suck. It's going to suck more than The Covenant sucked... which is an amazing feat in and of itself. Which is sad because all the of the elements to create a movie that you can get EVERYONE to go to... action and killing for the dudes, lost love for the ladies, and being a period pic, if done right might even get the academy's attention round Oscar time. But no, that's not going to happen.

    And just when I think the news can't get any worse, one of the FRESHpeeps sends me an email about the Street Fighter movie. Now, why this is happening I've no fucking idea, but this time around the story is going to be centered around Chun-Li as opposed to the whole SF crew. I'll reserve my "it's gonna suck more than..." until I hear a little more. But the thing's going to be written by the dude doing the Voltron movie. You heard me right, I said Voltron movie! Don't even get me started on how pissed I'm going to be if this thing turns out to be the bastard child of The Mighty Morphing Power Rangers and that Thunderbirds movie

    But I'm nearly out of rage so I'll stop there. But I'll be writing about that Voltron shit, please believe me!

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