reviews. previews. podcast. and more...

Join sisters NinJaSistah and Pandalicious and the rest of the ESH Crew each day as they discuss video games, tech gadgets, anime, manga... pretty much everything within the geek chic lifestyle.

From Xbox 360, PS3, Wii, and PC game reviews, previews, news, and gushings to audience questions and rumor mill seeding galore you'll find it here at ESH!
First Nerdgasm of 2010: ESH@CES Las Vegas!

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    CES Coverage

    We went to CES and here's what we saw and molested.

    E3 Coverages

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    Xbox 360 Stuffs

    Check out crew rantings on the XB360 platform.

    PS3 Things

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    Wii Little Bits

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    Oh Hai! Anime-niacs

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    Manga Love

    We less than three manga as well, so peep the manga reviews.

    ESH Photo Galleries

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    Day Of The NinJa

    posted @ 12/04/2006 06:10:00 PM by Ninjasistah
    In case you haven't heard, December 5th marks the "Day of the Ninja" celebratory, um, celebration. It is a day on which all non-jas may do their absolute best to act as shinobi... and be identified by all as worthy shinobi.

    Being a ninja of an honorable gaming ninja clan that I can not now name without killing each and every one of you reading this article, I would dishonor my entire clan if I did not alert all of you of the pending "Day of the Ninja" day.

    While many of you are not ninja, you can organize some ninja-like events, create costumes, or just generally act like shinobi while on the "day-job" tomorrow. Start by visiting the official site for some instruction on how to look like a ninja, or create quasi-harmless paper shurikens that you can use on your selected targets at work tomorrow. Please make sure you are using paper shurikens as you are only playing at being ninja and should not actually aim to inflict actual damage or death upon people. You may find that lacking the stealth escape abilities of actual ninja may land you in jail were you to use real shurikens or attempt actual assassinations.

    Now for the fun stuff. Should you find yourself worthy of participating in ninja activities tomorrow, send us pictures of you participating in said honorable activities. Which ever ninja out there participates in an activity that catches my eye may find themselves the recipient of some ESH candy and FRESHware T-Shirt.

    Let's keep it light and fun people, ok? Let your inner ninja shine tomorrow.

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