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First Nerdgasm of 2010: ESH@CES Las Vegas!

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    You Had Me At Sam Jackson

    posted @ 12/18/2006 11:59:00 PM by Ninjasistah
    I love Spike, you know, "The Network For Men." The safe haven from Oprah and feeling your feelings on cable TV. Often I've thought to myself, "self, there is waaaay too much programming in prime time directed totally and women on TV! If only there was a network devoted to showing things blowing up, boobs bouncing, and cars. If only." This thought usually resulted in a sigh, but now there is Spike... and I feel fulfilled!

    Even more so now that I know that Afro Samurai is going to start airing on the network January 4th.

    If you don't know about Afro Samurai you betta ask somebody, bitch! Afro has had a hard life... bearing witness to yo pappy's decapitation ain't no trip to Disney Land that's for sure, but Afro walks the path of revenge. And any muthafooka that gets in his way will pay with their life... period.

    Afro Samurai features the voice talents of Samuel "The MuthaFuckin Man" L. Jackson as both the main character Afro, as well as Afro's right hand man Ninja Ninja. Afro's goal as the number 2 badass in the world of fighting is to find and destroy the number 1 badass who goes by the name Justice, because he's the bitch that killed his daddy. Justice is voiced by Ron Perlman who many of you would recognize as Hellboy in the movie Hellboy. Ron makes an excellent villain, so I'm glad to see, er, hear him take this role. Oh yeah, some chick named Kelly Hu is going to provide the voice for the character of Okiku. If you from some Bob forsaken reason don't recognize her name then think Lady Deathstrike from X-Men 2 [you know, the chick Wolverine killed] or the sorceress [and love interest] for The Rock in the Scorpion King flick. Yeah, Kelly is hot.

    Personally, I'm going to steal a line from Pandalicious and tell you, "DON'T BE A PUNK ASS BITCH!" Catch Afro Samurai on Spike January 4th, it's going to be the shit... it's got SAM JACKSON!!!!

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