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    Crackdown Demo Finally Released!

    posted @ 1/27/2007 11:15:00 AM by Douceswild
    Are you excited? I’m excited! For those of you who haven’t been on Xbox Live Marketplace recently, you might want to jump on there. You won’t believe what’s up for grabs now.

    This past Tuesday, the demo for Crackdown was released on the marketplace and you know ya boy Douce was one of the first to jump on it. The 1gig demo took about twenty minutes to download. Now for someone who has been waiting almost a year to get a glimpse of that game, that was twenty minutes too long. After a couple of days on it, I’m ready to give my opinion on the demo.

    Once the game loads up, you’re treated to cell-shaded goodness. I have always been a fan of cell-shaded games. You’re given a choice of vehicles to take out into the massive city and fight crime with. I went with the sports car type police because that’s just how I roll. You’re given a few gang bosses and affiliates to take down throughout the demo, but it’s a timed demo, meaning that once time runs out then the demo restarts which kind of sucks.

    As you play, you’ll level stats that boost your strength and agility, which enables you to jump higher…I’m talking bionic-high and toss objects like vehicles at your enemies. You almost get a Spider-Man-esque feeling when jumping from rooftop to rooftop minus the wall crawling. The demo provides you with enhanced stat advancement that allows you to experience some of your character’s abilities earlier than you’ll be able to in the final release. The free-roaming environment is that of, of course Grand Theft Auto.

    The cons of the demo are few and far between. I found the aiming and targeting to be weird. Locking on to enemies is somewhat difficult and switching for one enemy to the next is not always accurate. This becomes obvious when you’re in a gunfight with about seven to ten gang members. I’m hoping this gets fixed in time for the final release of the game on February 20th.

    I’ll reserve my final review for the full game release. Keep checking the site for it around the end of February. Until then, give the demo a try. It’s free and free is always good in my book.

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