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    Sony Says Welcome, Home

    posted @ 5/06/2007 04:32:00 PM by Douceswild
    Take MySpace, Nintendo’s Miis, and Xbox Live then mix it up and throw it all inside of a Playstation3. What do you get? You get a little something that feels like, well, Home.
    It’s no secret around here that I haven’t been a big Playstion3 fan because of its extravagant selling price. I do have to say that Sony’s new Home interactive feature has me a bit curious and intrigued. Home is Sony’s social gaming network that allows players to interact with each other and display their gaming achievements. Think of it as Xbox Live and Nintendo’s Miis on steroids. You create your avatar and off you go. Character creation is similar to that of certain MMOs, allowing players to choose from a variety of facial characteristics and proportions. Apartment furniture and character clothing is freely downloadable, while some will be paid premium downloads. Additionally, some items will be unlocked simply by playing particular PS3 games. There are minigames such as bowling and billiards as well as arcade games to keep you entertained. You can display your achievements as trophies in your apartment and watch movie trailers or other video content on in-world TVs. Other PS3 owners can be invited over to hang out in your pad and socialize before jumping into a video game.

    For all of those who have a PS3, the Home beta started showing up in the Playstation store a few days ago for those who were accepted. Here’s the ironic part for me. I think it may be the Home feature of the Playstation3 and not an actual video game that turns out to be a system-seller in my case.

    Take a look at this video from the 2007 Game Developers Conference. It pretty much sums up the Home concept. I know I’ve been hard on Sony for a while, but I’ll also give credit where it’s due and it’s definitely due here. Good job Sony! I think I’m starting to understand the “potential” you spoke of. You just might get my money after all…grumble, grumble…bastards.

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