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    Xbox 360 Spring '07 Update

    posted @ 5/11/2007 12:29:00 PM by Douceswild
    Xbox 360 owners have been waiting anxiously for the new update to the dashboard. It’s finally out and after giving the new features a test-drive, I'm definitely not disappointed.

    Earlier this year, Microsoft reported a spring update to the 360’s dashboard that would provide us with a bit more convenience. The updates include the following:

    - Your contact list will now integrate Windows Live Messenger, and show joinable session status
    - Messenger contacts can see what game you're playing and your gamertag
    - Marketplace will now have its own blade, which will be skinned independent of your theme
    - Users will now get in-game achievement updates (i.e. see what achievement you just unlocked and how much it's worth as you unlock them).
    - System CD tray game notification
    - Low-power download mode and auto-shutdown
    - Progressive download: watch, fast-forward, and rewind partially downloaded movies
    - You can text chat messenger six friends playing games watching movies
    - Multiple tweaks on the user interface
    - Streaming playback of H.264 and mpeg-4 video

    Having access to my Windows Live Messenger contacts is great. It opens up a whole new way of contacting and chatting with friends. The on-screen typing can be a bit aggravating but it just builds the anticipation for the controller with the integrated keyboard due out later this year. There’s a known fault with the messenger system that Microsoft has admitted to. If you are under the age of 18 or started your Xbox Live account while under 18, then you are restricted from using the messenger. There is currently no setting to allow access to this feature but Microsoft is working to fix this through the parental control section.
    I’m very excited about being able to stream mpeg-4 video from my pc to my console. Much of the anime on my pc is in mpeg-4 format and I was running an s-video cable from pc to my television so I could watch anime on my television as opposed to my monitor. The video quality was decent but it was aggravating having to control the playback, stop, fast-forward, rewind, etc. from my computer because the Xbox 360 couldn’t read the format. That problem has been fixed with the update and I can now view and control the video from my console system.

    The new features from the update are definitely useful and welcomed. I’m positive that there are plenty more upgrades to come in the future. I do have to say that Microsoft is still a long ways off from rivaling Sony’s upcoming Home feature. I’m not one to look a gift horse in the mouth, but as far as keeping up and surpassing the competition goes, Microsoft may be losing in the online gaming and networking department. Don’t count them out yet, though. I’m pretty sure Bill Gates has something planned to give Sony’s Home a run for their money. Don’t quote me on this, but I’m thinking Microsoft Crashpad or Microsoft Casa.

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