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First Nerdgasm of 2010: ESH@CES Las Vegas!

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    .hack Your Way Into Harvard

    posted @ 9/13/2007 01:15:00 PM by evermore

    Click to enlarge

    Anyone who has ever studied for the SAT exams is well aware of the dreadful texts they must trudge through in order to expand their vocabulary. Well, now high-schoolers don't have to hide their manga inside their SAT preparation books -- the manga is the SAT preparation book!

    Kaplan, the folks who in recent years have converted popular works of literature such as Wuthering Heights into SAT preparation books, have gotten together with manga publisher TOKYOPOP to create SAT prep books based on some of the most popular manga works.

    From a recent BusinessWeek story, "Alien Planets, Princesses, And PSATs":

    "To beef up the books' SAT quotient, the companies upgraded some of the dialogue. But all the original art and story lines are preserved, says TOKYOPOP CEO Stu Levy. Designed for 14- to 16-year-olds, the books, says Kaplan's McMahon, may also appeal to another expanding market: English-language learners."

    The Kaplan manga titles currently available on (the listings include excerpts of each book):

    Van Von Hunter

    Warcraft: Dragon Hunt


    .hack: Legend of the Twilight

    If they had had that for Archie back when I was a kid, I might have gotten into Harvard...

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