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    DMC4 Demo Date Leaked?

    posted @ 1/18/2008 03:29:00 PM by Ninjasistah
    You already know how my sister and I obssess about the Devil May Cry video game franchise, so this post should really come as no surprise.

    I was bopping around the interwebs as I am known to do on my day off of the day gig, and came across this post on Joystiq mentioning the demo date release of the new Devil May Cry 4 game on the XB360. I should be exstatic right? Well here's the deal: no sooner this widget went live, the date no longer appeared on the screen. Capcom has said the the demo will be available in the US before the US release, but with the Feb. 5 national day of Dante enjoyment nearly upon us, I can only imagine that this January 31st date must be accurate.

    At the same time, I have to think that a date of Jan. 31 is kinda dumb. This is the first time that a DMC game is going to be available on the XB360. Wouldn't it make more sense to release the demo earlier to give the broad XBLive-ers a chance to discover and become addicted to the game play two or three weeks before the game releases. You know, to drum up excitement and pre-orders of the game?

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