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First Nerdgasm of 2010: ESH@CES Las Vegas!

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    Koei On Your PC

    posted @ 4/25/2008 11:52:00 PM by Ninjasistah
    No, that's not any kind of euphemism, Koei is bringing it's Romance of the Three Kingdoms franchise to the PC this summer ya silly!

    From Koei's press release:
    “Following KOEI’s successful launch of Warriors Orochi for Windows-based PC earlier this year, the response to bringing more of KOEI’s popular franchises to the platform has been overwhelming,”
    said Amos Ip, Senior Vice President at KOEI Corporation.

    If you have never played a RTK
    title, you are the ruler of a kingdom completely controlling your land. You have base commands that let you govern cities and manage people. It's kinda like Sim:City in a way.

    You have some military stuff to get through, but not on the level of a Dynasty Warriors title, and some political stuff... do you sign a treaty with these folks over here and piss off the dudes down the road or what?

    Produced by Kou Shibusawa and developed by KOEI Co., Ltd, Romance of the Three Kingdoms XI is coming to a PC near you [possibly] July 29th for abou S$19.99.

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