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From Xbox 360, PS3, Wii, and PC game reviews, previews, news, and gushings to audience questions and rumor mill seeding galore you'll find it here at ESH!
First Nerdgasm of 2010: ESH@CES Las Vegas!

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    CES Coverage

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    Oh Hai! Anime-niacs

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    Manga Love

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    Introducing the WoW Pod

    posted @ 4/22/2009 10:43:00 AM by Douceswild
    You're probably looking at this picture and asking "What am I looking at." Almost every World of Warcraft player will recognized the design as a mimic of a Horde hut, but not too many will guess what's inside.

    The WoW Pod takes steps to incorporate all of those small annoyances that pull you away from your World of Warcraft gaming session, such as bathroom breaks and food.

    " was created to question "the inducement of pleasure, fantasy fulfilment and the mediation of intimacy in a socially-networked gaming paradigm such as World of Warcraft" says Cati Vaucelle & Shada/Jahn, the brains and artist behind the pod.

    If you're hungry, you can scan cookable foods, which automatically begin heating a hot plate to cook the food at just the right amount of time. Once the food ready,...wait for it...your toon will announce to you and other gamers that it's ready. The game will automatically put your character in and "AFK" status (Away From Keyboard) to allow a moment for you to eat and when you return to the game, your character's mood and actions may reflect that of having just eaten, showing signs of sluggishness from overeating or energetic.

    This definitely feeds into the negative stereotype about MMO players, especially WoW players. But you know what? This thing is awesome and I want one!

    Check out a video of the WoW Pod here.

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