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    Ghostbusters Review...I Ain't Keepin' This Game

    posted @ 7/03/2009 11:01:00 AM by Douceswild

    Ghostbusters waste no time throwing you into the action and it does a great job doing it. Hunting down the spooks and capturing them with your array of equipment feels exactly how I imagined while watching the movies. The ghosts don’t make it easy for you, which gives you an understanding of why there was so much property damage in the movies as well as the game.

    My problem with Ghostbusters is that you’re given the entire experience of the game within the first few minutes. There are a few possible tweaks when it comes to weapons and upgrades, but it’s just not enough for combined with the four or five hours it takes to finish the game in one sitting. What you get in the beginning is all there is through to the end.

    The first Ghostbusters movie was one of the funniest films in history with lines that are still quoted today. The game falls short in this aspect. It comes off as actors failing to impersonate the originals, making me ashamed to have ever quoted the lines myself.

    I won’t completely blame the game’s shortcomings on its’ voice actors. The storyline leaves a lot to be desired. It’s simple with no real plot twists or turns. After managing to sit through the story, I got an ending that seemed like a rush job.

    On the other hand, Ghostbusters packs a few multiplayer modes that will keep you from trading in the game directly after finishing it. Sadly, even this does not make it worth the $60 price tag. Unless you’re a die-hard fan of the series and this is a must have for you, Ghosbusters should definitely go on your “Things To Rent” list.

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