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First Nerdgasm of 2010: ESH@CES Las Vegas!

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    Camy: Oh So Sexy

    posted @ 2/06/2007 05:09:00 PM by Ninjasistah
    I'm not talking Street Fighter Cammy, I'm talking about the schweet looking faceplate people of Camy Pro Gear.

    I found out about Camy Pro Gear on accident. I was bouncing around the internet, looking for something to make me want to use my PSP more [I still haven't connected the damn thing to my PS3 yet] when I hit their site.

    Here's the deal. I've looked at a few faceplates for the PSP before in game resellers, but they all kinda looked cheap so I shrugged them off. I spent too much money getting my PSP to try some housing that either felt thin, had paint that wore off, or ultimately didn't add anything to my pocket gaming gizmo. I ended up using a vinyl skin on my PSP, but really wanted a full color cover for it. Then I sighed, and moved on to skinning my consoles. After taking a gander at the Camy site, I'm starting to rethink my idea that faceplates for the PSP are all the same.

    From what I can tell on the website, Camy offers some full color solid housings as well as a couple of special design cases. They list DecalGirl and EB as carriers so you might want to head out and check these cases out. I'm looking to get my hands on one and try it out for myself. When I do, I'll post a hands on review so you know what the deal is.

    But, they look good. Real good.

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