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    King Baby Duck's Anime Calamity: Chaos;Head

    posted @ 2/21/2009 07:15:00 PM by King Baby Duck

    Today's Anime Calamity looks at the new anime series "Chaos;Head."

    Based on the popular visual novel video game of the same name, “Chaos;Head” focuses on a student named Takumi, a reclusive kid who can’t stand to be around in the third dimensional world. In fact he has secluded himself from his family in lives in a storage container. One day one of his only friends Misumi tells him of New Generation attacks, and to make matters worse Takumi is receiving disturbing images from an unknown sender named Shogun depicted these attacks. As soon as this happens Takumi is befriended, of sorts, by a bunch of sword-wielding women posing as students at his high school. With their help he goes out to search for the truth behind the attacks and stop them; even though wishes he could just stay in front of his PC and away from any sort of reality.

    The character of Takumi can be seen as a representation of the current problems with the youth of Japan. He stays away from the outside world, surrounds himself with expensive toys and games while imagining his favorite female anime character is in the flesh and communicating with him. He’s frail and in need of psychiatric help. Nevertheless he manages to pull himself away from the false world of imagination and do his best to save the city with his friends. Although it’s not so much as an action show than it is a dark mystery series. In every episode there’s a twist and turn that keeps you coming back for more. I can’t say what’s going on ‘cause it’s really difficult to explain in words; so let’s just say a lot of screwed-up things happen in this show. But it’s an original story that’s not very common to see in anime these days.

    “Chaos;Head” gets an A. It’s a unique suspense anime that you just can’t blink while watching. Otherwise you’ll miss something very important.

    This is King Baby Duck: "Ain't born to lose, baby, I'm born to win. I'm so Goddamn slick, baby, it's a sin!"

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