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    King Baby Duck's Vinyl Vindication: Asobi Seksu - Hush

    posted @ 2/21/2009 04:40:00 PM by King Baby Duck

    The Duck is here premiering a new music reviews section (since I haven't been doing much J-VOLUTION stuff). Today we focus on the new Asobi Seksu album "Hush."

    Last year I spoke highly of Asobi Seksu's last album "Citrus," saying that it would "surely be ranked up there with many of the classic albums of century's past." After putting "Citrus" so high up on the pedestal I had worried that their next album would not be up to par with it. Thankfully "Hush" puts my fears to rest.

    The album opens with "Layers," which could easily be used during the holiday season; as it captures the beauty of a light snowfall in a song. "Familiar Light" showcases vocalist/keyboardist Yuki Chikudate's lyrics, as she hits the high notes with grace and ease, while guitarist James Hanna plucks away in the background (an odd change to the original Seksu sound we're familiar with). The third track, "Sing Tomorrow's Praise," brings forth the loud beauty that the band is known for: angelic lyrics, banging drums (from session drummer Gunnar Olsen) and pulsating guitars; with a psychedelic organ at the end. "Transparence" brings forth an upbeat romp towards a new day coming to greet you in a well-molded manner, mending together melodies and vocals that would even make Bono & the Edge jealous.

    "In the Sky," brings forth an image of a new-born phoenix rising from the ashes, soaring higher and higher into the never-ending blue; an odd feeling considering that this album was written, according to Hanna, "while [they] felt destroyed." "I Can't See" is an odd track (for Asobi Seksu), bringing in towards a Top 40 melody. It is here where Hanna's strong vocals are shown forefront rather than in the background, as well as how well both he and Chikudate work in a perfect musical sync. "Me & Mary," the first single from the album, is the playful sex tune that makes Yuki & James a joy to listen to. "Blind Little Rain" closes the album in a somber yet relaxing tone; only to return after a minute of silence to awaken the senses with a soothing organ to sweeten the deal.

    Asobi Seksu - "Me & Mary"

    It is, at times, hard to describe the sound of Asobi Seksu (as mentioned in my "Citrus" review). All I can say about it is that the sound is hauntingly beautiful. One can be hypnotized by its music, its lyrics or both at the same time. Whatever the case "Hush" showcases the next chapter of Asobi Seksu's career, and this time around it's scribed by Apollo (who not only was the god of light & sun, but also of music & the arts).

    "Hush" earns Asobi Seksu's second 5-star rating, putting the band a few spots higher on my list of best artists in the world. I can only hope that with this record Asobi Seksu's name gets further out into the mainstream world. Imagine the type of spectacle they'd be able to pull off in an arena filled with screaming fans, much less a small rock club.

    This is King Baby Duck: "Ain't born to lose, baby, I'm born to win. I'm so Goddamn slick, baby, it's a sin!"

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