ESH Cast #583: Everybody’s gonna die, but not until the next one comes along (Rinse and repeat)
NinjaSistah jumped right on the newest iteration of the "God of War" franchise, and she gives this warning right up front this week: If you don't want to know the ending of the game, you don't want to listen to this show until you've played it.
Ninja gives it all away -- she does that only for games she really, really likes (or really, really hates). Want to know what she thinks about it? We're not giving that away here, either. You'll just have to listen -- and there goes the surprise.
But the God of War segment is not until the last third of the show. Before that, Panda talks about her opinion about Ni no kuni 2 and her initial observations of finally getting to play Minecraft, a game which millions of 12-year-olds have long beaten her to.
So, if you're itching to experience everything about the new God of War without spoilers, you'd better stay away from this episode. We'd suggest you go ahead and play the thing, because we're not liable to stop talking about it in the weeks to come.
If you dare, give a listen to ESH Cast #583: Everybody’s gonna die, but not until the next one comes along (Rinse and repeat).
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