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It's a tasty treat with October's Loot Anime package, as King Baby Duck unveiled various goodies from Food Wars!, Himouto! Umaru-chan, and more! Plus some snarky comments from KBD's plushy collection. Promotional consideration provided by Loot Crate

One of the hottest holiday items hits King Baby Duck's doorstep, as he showcases what you get with Nintendo's NES Classic Edition. Plus watch a little play-through of some Super Mario Bros. 3!

Another mystery box hits King Baby Duck's doorstep, this time with something more in his forte! September 2016's Loot Anime is filled with a couple surprises, ones that even make the segment host excited! Plus, KBD shows off his recent additions to

King Baby Duck dives into the unboxing realm, as he takes a look at a recent Loot Crate box that delves into the art of Speed. Iron Man, Battlestar Galactica, and even a couple others pop up from the mysterious box,

The last time I talked about the Xbox Design Lab was at its announcement during E3 2016. Two months later I get my hands on my custom creation, and am happy to share my results.