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First Nerdgasm of 2010: ESH@CES Las Vegas!

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    PS3 To Get Ninja Goodness

    posted @ 9/25/2006 09:04:00 PM by Ninjasistah
    I am a huge fan of the game Ninja Gaiden. If you've listened to my top 5 replay games podcast episode you know that Ninja Gaiden Black made the cut.And now, Team Ninja is bringing a "more complete" version of the Ninja Gaiden game to the PS3 according to this article on IGN. The announcement came during the Tokyo Game Show and while the game development is only at 25% if looking at the screens and trailer that IGN has to offer is any indication of what the game will really look and feel like, I'll have to say it looks pretty good.

    The fact that Rachael is going to be a playable character with the story unfolding from her perspective when you use her makes me want this game badly. I always felt like Rachels storyline deserved a little more focus in the game. As I played through the two previous Ninja games I found myself more and more curious about the Rachel/Alma back story and whatnot. So being able to finally cure that curiosity will be a good thing.

    The only thing that gives me any kind of pause in my excitement over this announcement is that it seems like a few parts of the previous Ninja story structure have changed. In any event, more pro-ninja stuff out in the world... what more could I ask for?

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