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    Trinity Blood On Adult Swim

    posted @ 9/08/2006 02:25:00 PM by Ninjasistah
    MMM vampire anime. I heart vampire anime.

    Actually, I basically just heart vampires, so when I saw that Trinity Blood was going to be on Adult Swim Fix [the AS video streaming stuff that they do each Friday with new items being posted at 6pm EST] I about bit through my own lip. I have never seen this series, only read about it online and tried tracking it down via the naughty naughty way with absolutely no luck. =/

    But yet again, AS has come to my rescue and is about to start airing episodes of Trinity Blood via the web starting today! If I needed another thing to help me kick off the weekend this sure would be it.

    I'm not trying to hype this up ok, [not intentionally anyways] but it's just nice to see some new anime appearing in places that I can get a hold of it. I mean, Magic and Panda have all kinds of exposure to all things anime and have seen so many different things in the anime genre, but it's still all really new to me. I don't know diddly about mangas, haven't been to an anime con yet, never cosplayed, don't have a subscription to New-Type, hell I've never seen all of Miyasaki-san's I tend to get really excited when series that I've barely [or never] heard of that Panda or Magic haven't mentioned around me before show up somewhere that I get to watch them.

    The basic line of the series focuses around the Vatican's secret weapon against vampires: a man named Abel Nightroad who's no mere human. [hint, hint] If you bounce over to the AS Trinity Blood page you can get the low down on what's going down, but the characters look great so I'm in. I'll try anything once.

    I have no idea if Trinity is going to be good or not, but I'm looking forward to the experience.

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