reviews. previews. podcast. and more...

Join sisters NinJaSistah and Pandalicious and the rest of the ESH Crew each day as they discuss video games, tech gadgets, anime, manga... pretty much everything within the geek chic lifestyle.

From Xbox 360, PS3, Wii, and PC game reviews, previews, news, and gushings to audience questions and rumor mill seeding galore you'll find it here at ESH!
First Nerdgasm of 2010: ESH@CES Las Vegas!

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    CES Coverage

    We went to CES and here's what we saw and molested.

    E3 Coverages

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    Xbox 360 Stuffs

    Check out crew rantings on the XB360 platform.

    PS3 Things

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    Wii Little Bits

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    Oh Hai! Anime-niacs

    Peep the stuff we've written about on the anime tip.

    Manga Love

    We less than three manga as well, so peep the manga reviews.

    ESH Photo Galleries

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    What I Love About Suncoast

    posted @ 9/26/2006 11:24:00 AM by Pandalicious
    Never thought I'd say this but...

    You've heard me and Ninja talk about Kaleido Star...or raving about it. [if I am honest] It's second season is coming to a close and I'm waiting on pins and needles for it. But I digress.

    Anyway, through clever deduction I found that the last DVD of Kaleido Star New Wings Vol. 5 was released on Sept 19th. Being the enthusiast I am, I [right after my literature class] drove [LIKE A MADWOMAN] to the nearest mall. Proceeding to BestBuy first... figuring I'd get it cheaper if I went there. To my dismay, the two people I asked about it had no clue. Best Buy dropped the ball... so I decided to go to Suncoast just to see if they had it ["cough" and buy it if it was there "cough"] The following is a recount of the dialogue that transpired between myself and the Suncoast dude. And I quote...

    Associate: Anything I can help you find today?
    Panda: Yes um, I looked up on the internet that the last DVD in a series I'm collecting was released today. And I'm hoping you guys have it.


    Associate: Kaleido Star New Wings Vol 5 Right?
    (Panda has Shocked expression on face)
    Panda: Yes. Do you have it?
    Associate: No, not at the moment but you can reserve it.
    Panda: Ok sure, but how did you....
    Associate: You are the 7th person to ask today....Damn internet.

    -The End-

    It gave me a chuckle and I thought you'd enjoy my little story.

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