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First Nerdgasm of 2010: ESH@CES Las Vegas!

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    You Know You Play Too Much WoW When...

    posted @ 9/27/2006 11:04:00 PM by Pandalicious
    Ok, who didn't see this one coming?

    Hello all, finally arising from the ashes is me Pandalicious, and when I haven't been slaving away on homework or running myself up a wall, I've tried to play some WoW. Emphasis on tried, but this list ran through my mind and I thought I'd share...


    1. You inspect another characters gear, NOTICE it's tier three and you nearly have an orgasm.

    2. You walk into your least favorite class and see in your mind yellow writing that says "You are now Hated With World Civ I."

    3.You are eating and drinking at the same time and believe that you are recovering mana and health over a period of 30 sec.

    4. You find yourself dancing the same way that your character on WoW does. (happens more w/ night elf girls FYI)

    5. When you go to a new place you happen to blurt out (on accident) "Discovered Northshore Mall: gained 560 exp!"


    7. You know that Arathi Basin isn't a giant tub in some remote place.

    8. When you fall down or trip you wish you had bubbled yourself so it would absorb the damage.

    9. All you ever talk about is WoW, and when you aren't talking about, you are thinking about how you are going bring it back up in conversation.

    10. You notice that your boyfriend and all your friends start playing the game so they can spend time with you.

    Please guys, feel free to add more if you know of any! ^^

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