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First Nerdgasm of 2010: ESH@CES Las Vegas!

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    CES Coverage

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    Happy Halloween Everybody

    posted @ 10/31/2006 04:29:00 PM by Pandalicious
    It's time to party!

    Hey everyone, Panda here coming to you from her seat in her Weather and Climate Class--yay clouds!

    Anyways, I have a strange notion that we aren't having class today but I guess I'll wait and see.

    Tonight is Halloween and to celebrate, me and the anime club at my college are meeting to watch Kaku ren Bo "Hide and Seek" and two episodes of Death Note. One of which I've watched and the other I've heard some opinions about but never had the finances to explore it. [This is why I love college--free anime w/o the chance of going to prison!]

    For those who have never watched Kaku Ren Bo, I have this to say: DON"T BE A PUNK ASS BITCH: Go watch it, it is a mind fuck that only lasts 30 minutes... SERIOUSLY!

    It aired on Cartoon Network Halloween night last year. Under the order of Ninja I watched it, and I wasn't expecting much but [and I emphasize a HUGE but] it scared the pants off of me! This isn't some hack a slash thriller like Perfect Blue [which is also very good by the way.

    I'm not even going to tease your minds with how good it is. JUST GO WATCH IT!

    As for Pandalicious, hopefully tonight I will go rampaging the streets of Salem, Massachusetts [so logically I must attend a college near by ~^]. Hope everyone enjoys this fine fine day.


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