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    Pandalicious' Take On The Horde!

    posted @ 10/12/2006 01:20:00 PM by Pandalicious
    I wonder what I'll say?
    Many players of online games are in fact subject to some major harrasment, girl players included, but in the online sensation that is World of Warcraft, it is encouraged between the Alliance and Horde Clans.

    When I first started playing WoW I figured that the Alliance was good and the Horde was in fact evil. Many Alliance players claim that they would never play Horde characters. I can only speak from the Alliance side since my first "Main" is in fact a Night Elf Druid. But as I've continued to play, small truths have made themselves known.

    - The more serious players tend to play Horde characters over Alliance characters.

    - Not all Horde members will be cruel or mean to Alliance players. Now mind you, 98% of them will, but there are some players that just like to play the game and do not get caught up in the whole atmosphere of the tension between the clans.

    At first I thought the Horde was in fact Evil, and Mean, and down right out there to make Sujisan's [my NE Character on Thrall] WoW experience a short one, but I've been blessed with running into more horde characters that are willing to kind of help me more than hinder me.

    I feel the Horde has been misunderstood.

    They may have been evil and dark and such but they had no intentions of sticking around the Alliance's area. Apparently, even though my infomation on the matter is limited, the Horde races or some of them were fighting something called the "Buring Legion" so that they could return home, and after winning, just didn't return. They tend to mind their own business unless an Alliance character comes along and labels them evil... and thus they become evil because of the torment.

    Maybe I've been thinking about this for too long... lol

    Over all, Pandalicious likes the Horde...
    Until they Kill me... again...

    That's all I have for you today

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