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    Video Games in the Mainstream

    posted @ 10/07/2006 02:40:00 PM by Ninjasistah
    I missed this one because I haven't watched the episode yet, but looks like NBC's The Office paid homage to Call Of Duty in their episode this week.

    I watched the clip [love to Kotaku for the heads up] and laughed my ass off. First of all I think The Office is hilarious, but secondly the clip is just perfect... I know some of these types of people in real life man! I just cracked up laughing.

    Submitted for your approval:

    I think it's great that more television shows are filtering in video game references in appropriate places and among appropriate demographics. It makes sense that the people in this office take a little time out to play some office Call O' Duty... they are in the right demographic to WANT to play that game during the day if and when they can get away with it. Hell, if I could get away with playing some games while at work during the day I sure as hell would! And it makes sense to me that the fine folks over there at South Park Studios would do an episode where they featured WoW... Matt and Trey are gamers [when they can be] and the are aware that the majority of their viewing audience is mostly on WoW so it only makes sense to feature the game somehow in an episode. They get more recognition from their existing viewer base and can probably bring in some new viewers as WoW players who never watched a single episode of South Park tuned in to see this episode. A win-win situation for them. Bravo guys, bravo!

    I'd like to see more video gaming references cross over into the mainstream. The NFL has been using the Madden games to do play analysis on the oft occasion for a few years now, and that seems to be working very well for them... but I'd like to see more shows that present the 18-30 spectrum a little better. Not every teenager is into extreme sports and bling as MTV would have you believe, nor are they acne-riddled bashful timebombs of fury... no, there is a middle ground people, and it's called "normal."

    There are normal people out there, that play games. TV programs need to reflect that a bit more, and I think that's why I really enjoyed this clip from The Office, they are just normal-ish people, playing a game.

    Do you have any tv show that you love that you think should feature some video game references? Comment and let us know!

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