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    All is Fair in Love and Warcraft

    posted @ 1/09/2007 04:06:00 PM by Pandalicious
    If love was a battlefield it would be like Warsong Gulch

    In all seriousness, I pose a question to all the gamers out there. This pertains mostly to gamers who interact with other players for extended periods of time, people who become very good friends to us after this.

    Can one find love through a multiplayer role-playing game? Is it fathomable? Should it be something that those of us who never seem to be quite lucky in the game of love in the real world try? Games like World of Warcraft, and Diablo II could become as revolutionary for connecting people romantically as e-harmony.

    Many gamers create alternative lives in these games; they create a persona to interact in this fake but very much real world. It takes us by storm, and leads us through another story tailor made for our lives. So for a world of fantasy, of slaying dragons, and infiltrating enemy bases, why wouldn’t love be an option too? Would it be considered cheating to go into a world that wasn’t real, getting something different and yet liberating personal contact to some extent? Many are on the fence about this topic but it is something that any and all run into in their online lives.

    The teeny boppers who haven’t gone through much of the search for love via trial and error who are new to the road of puberty, college kids who are just out to enjoy something that doesn’t involve constant stress and writing, older adults who just didn’t have luck... thinking of these groups of people I began to wonder if it was because of the game or the complexes that all people develop while online. Some argue that it isn’t the game but the environment it creates [one where people can come to know each other] that fosters these cybermances. It is kind of like a chat room or forum that is locked within strategic plans to take out opposing forces and obtaining sweet loot.

    So what does Pandalicious think about it?

    Q. Is it possible to find love through games like World of Warcraft?
    A. Yes I do this it is possible. I have seen it with my own eyes.

    Q. Does it seem far-fetched?
    A. I don’t think so. In all truth you come to know a person, or rather you get an essence of person through their thoughts, which are usually written out. I don’t know about the next person but I have been truthful about any and all things I’ve said while playing on my WoW server outside of my accurate location, my social security number and my sexual history.

    Q. Has Pandalicious ever thought she found love online?
    A. Yes many of times. I think it is apart of this generations, "Things I feel I have to do because everyone else is doing it..." list.

    What do you guys [our readers] think? Did you ever have one of these encounters? If so would you tell us about it? I’m very much interested in this and plan to look into this further.

    I’m Pandalicious and I'm Out.

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