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First Nerdgasm of 2010: ESH@CES Las Vegas!

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    Panda Actually Shops at Walmart?

    posted @ 1/17/2007 05:43:00 PM by Pandalicious
    It's a Bird, It's a Plane, It's Pandalicious going to... Wal-mart?

    Let me explain, dear listeners and readers of ESH. I do no say this to make fun of Walmart...NO! I in fact embrace them for being completely awesome. Why, do you ask? As Any WoWer would know [And if you don't know, now you do!], Burning Crusades has made its way into hands all over the world.

    Pandalicious has a terrific older sister: NinjaSistah. NinjaSistah gave Pandalicious an gift cert. They said that my BC Copy would take longer than they anticipated [YEA -- NO SHIT!] and all that jazz. Pandalicious decides that she isn't very patient and drives at 7 a.m. to the nearest Wal-mart on release day and buys one.

    Please don't think she is a fool, because she is selling the copy she is getting through the mail to a WoWer who is down on their luck.

    This is why, ladies and gentlemen, Pandalicious loves Wal-mart.

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