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    Dirty Thoughts and Cheating.

    posted @ 2/15/2007 01:18:00 AM by Monkey Doo
    I used to spend long nights with my WoW, strolling through the Barrens or killing the bosses of Strat again and again. Now... now it's just not the same....

    I... I thought indecent thoughts the other night. Alone, in the dark, and on the computer I wondered what other MMo's are out there. I wondered what Vanguard would be like, or Warhammer Online, and even if I should give City of Heroes another try. Me and CoH had started so well together but we just hit a rough patch, maybe I should put my WoW aside and give it another chance.

    I felt so dirty afterwards. I felt like I had cheated. But... it's not bad to think impure thoughts is it? It's not like I went out and you know... bought a new game.... I am sure everyone gets those same thoughts and still has a wonderful and healthy relationship with their MMo. I figured I could just lay down, have a good nights sleep, and feel better in the morning.

    It didn't work that way though.... When I woke up the next day I still had that same feeling, that same longing to go somewhere else and try something new. I even took it a step further that morning. I got online and looked at all the MMo's, especially the ones that had the first month free and even... even a couple of those whores that are free all the time. I looked them over, wanting, no yearning, to make space on my hard drive for them. I even went so far as to delete some old videos and pictures of mine but I stopped because I had to go to work.

    When I got home I... I took it that final step. I downloaded EVE Online. I only played it a little bit! I didn't get to in depth with it or anything. But it was too late, I had crossed that line and I could never go back. I tried to justify it, but it wouldn't work. I even tried going back to WoW and playing it more but it just bored me. Before I knew it I had done it again, this time with Second Life.

    I think I am going to leave WoW. After my pay period runs out at the end of this month I am not going to renew. We've had some close moments and some good laughs but I think that it's time to move on to new things. I think what I really want in my life right now is to go out and play the field, sample a little of all the MMo's without having to make any sort of commitment.

    I'm sorry WoW.... You'll always have a place in my heart....

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