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First Nerdgasm of 2010: ESH@CES Las Vegas!

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    Livin' La Vida Press

    posted @ 4/27/2007 03:31:00 PM by Pandalicious
    The sights unseen by unpress eyes...

    This year Magic Mystic and I were able to walk Anime Boston not just as obsessive fangirls but as fangirls on a mission. We got to walk AB07 as members of the press. We were indeed the rookies this year. [We had no frickin' clue what to do.] So I did what I do best, looked for hot people or REALLY COOL costumes and hounded the person for a photo, while plugging the site.

    Magic and I also didn't fully understand the power that press holds and learned one very important concept...outside of murder and drug use, on convention grounds we are SUPER ELITE PEOPLE, VIP BABY!!!!!!!!!!!]

    We both attended opening ceremonies which for me was the first time I've managed to a.) wake up on time b.) get to the convention on time c.) get my pass on time to make it to opening ceremonies. Upon arriving there prompt we proceeded to sit in the first two seats first row. [ZOMG!] At the opening ceremonies they pretty much introduce all the guests that will be there, so we all get some exposure to them. As usual, many of the attendees cooed and hollered when Greg Ayres came on stage. [I'll admit I did it too -_-;] The voice actor who [in my opinion] got the most applause was Travis Willingham [for those who don't know, he did the voice of Roy Mustang from FMA] The reason being was they showed the clip from FMA where Mustang is all pumped up about SHORT MINI SKIRTS [in that scene he is standing like a Greek muscle man statue] and then Travis the actual guy comes out and does the same thing, followed by Luci Christian, Greg Ayres and some others to fawn all over him ^^.

    Another thing that they do at opening ceremonies is throw free t-shirts out into the crowd causing a MASSIVE MOSH PIT OF PAIN! Yours truly was donkey kicked in the left hand as a mosher passing by reached for a t-shirt. [BAKA!] He didn't even apologize, but Magic told me to get over it and grow up. [Which is funny since I'm several years older than she is. ^^]


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