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First Nerdgasm of 2010: ESH@CES Las Vegas!

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    CES Coverage

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    Oh Hai! Anime-niacs

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    Stop! Can Touch This!

    posted @ 8/14/2007 11:09:00 AM by Douceswild
    Apple’s iPhone brought us a completely unique way to interact with our cell phone, but most importantly it sent a message to all other cell phone manufactures. That message was, “STEP UP YOUR FRACKIN’ GAME!” I think that message was definitely received loud and clear.

    It was only a matter of time, but we all knew that other cell phone manufactures would be mimicking the iPhone’s interface movement. They had to. The iPhone raised the bar on how we interact with our cell phones but one of the most frequent complaints I hear about the iPhone is that aside from it’s great interface, it’s missing a lot of programs that pocket pc and other PDA/Smartphones come with such as instant messaging, creating Word and Excel documents, video capabilities. Although I’m sure a lot of these things will be added in future firmware updates and later hardware upgrades, you may be looking for something that gives you these things now.

    The people over at HTC (creators of the 8125 and 8525) bring you the HTC Touch phone. The phone runs on Windows Mobile 6 and is unlocked so you’re not pinned to a specific service provider. It utilizes the new TouchFlo technology that gives you functionality similar to the iPhone. For all of those who love the functionality of the iPhone, but want the applications of current-market PDA’s then the HTC Touch might be for you. I don’t think it’s being sold in the U.S. at this time but it can be purchased through Ebay and other online market places.


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