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Join sisters NinJaSistah and Pandalicious and the rest of the ESH Crew each day as they discuss video games, tech gadgets, anime, manga... pretty much everything within the geek chic lifestyle.

From Xbox 360, PS3, Wii, and PC game reviews, previews, news, and gushings to audience questions and rumor mill seeding galore you'll find it here at ESH!
First Nerdgasm of 2010: ESH@CES Las Vegas!

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    CES Coverage

    We went to CES and here's what we saw and molested.

    E3 Coverages

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    Xbox 360 Stuffs

    Check out crew rantings on the XB360 platform.

    PS3 Things

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    Wii Little Bits

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    Oh Hai! Anime-niacs

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    Manga Love

    We less than three manga as well, so peep the manga reviews.

    ESH Photo Galleries

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    A Marvel Fanboys Wet-dream

    posted @ 1/04/2008 03:17:00 AM by Monkey Doo
    I had always been interested in comic books, but I never really had the time or the money to pick up every issue of something, let alone a place to store it. has come out with just the thing for me though, and maybe you too.

    It's called Marvel Digital Comics Unlimited, and basically... it rocks. It has just about every comic book series from origins to somewhere in the new millennium on it. I can read the original 1963 X-men stuff, or go as recent as some Civil War and House of M goods. And when I get tired of that, I can go read some Planet Hulk.

    I haven't quite figured out their update schedule. They have a wealth of information to put up on the site and I imagine that keeps them mighty busy. I also think they won't post something until they feel it is no longer viable to sell in paper form. I'm not complaining though, there is enough to keep me busy there for years. There is a lot of stuff there, but there is also a lot of stuff missing too.

    For just $10 a month or $60 for a years subscription you can get all this on The interface needs a little work but for what comes to $5 bucks a month for the year pass, it's more then worth it. I have read five times that in paper comics already, and thats only the tip of the iceberg.

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