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    posted @ 2/20/2008 06:30:00 PM by Monkey Doo
    Katsucon has come an gone and let me tell you, it was quite an experience. It happened to be my first Con, and that made everything even crazier. I'll get into more details later, for now I'll give you the short summary of the drunken escapades.

    When I was on the way there, I really didn't have any idea what to expect. My first impression was in no way disappointing, skimpy women in cosplay outfits! It was like a dream come true. >.> There was just a little problem, mainly the prison sentence involved. Fear not though dear readers, I found hentai based on all of it when I got home. =D

    Most of the first night wa just like hanging out with friends, friends that you only know about half of what they are saying. I did manage to get the biggest Chipotle burrito though. It exploded like a pimple, oozing its guacamole upon the world. then came the drinking! Too be honest the first night was kind of hazy. I played a board game with a bunch of people and it involved cars. It was called Top gear, based off of the show I have never heard of before. Can anyone tell me if it is any good?

    The next day was a blast! I got to meet webcomic artists like the Applegeeks guys,the OotS dude and even my favorite artist (Jamie from Angry Zen Master and Erfworld.) I also got to play drunken patty cake. Strangely, I am a lot better at it drunk, I didn't even have to look. I got to see a panel called The Iron Artist (which I will talk about later) and then we went to the cosplay (which will have more talking about too). From here it gets kinda jumbled.... I went to the rave, in my drunken stupor I wandered out into the hotel. I ended up with a group of swingers and we went and saw some hentai. Hentai is actually really funny when you are drunk and in a group of 150 people.

    But enough about my experiences there, stay tuned Space Cowboy for more on the con itself! If you wanna share con experiences or even plan something fun at the next area con (I wanna go to them all!) send an e-mail to or catch me on aim at Monkeydooinc.

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