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    King Baby Duck Presents: Things I'll Never Look At the Same Way Again Thanks to Hentai Dubbings

    posted @ 4/12/2008 08:04:00 PM by FreeLoader
    I think the title says it all, but just in case. Do not read on if you are too goody-two shoed!

    This year's Anime Boston Hentai Dubbings '08 was filled to the brim with dirty humor, shocking video footage, and just plain ole nastiness from start to finish. For this first timer I was quite, um, at awe at some of the things I heard, which leads us to the following list. I will never look at the following things the same way again because of hentai dubbings:

    1. Queen - The guys played "Fat Bottomed Girls" before the event began; but I would've rather seen them screen the music video for "Bicycle Race." Nothing makes a good mix like anime porn and naked girls riding bikes ^_^.
    2. System of a Down - The guys also played "Violent Pornography" before it began, and we all stood on our seats and sang along. All that was missing was the whimsical bouncing ball!
    3. PoKeMoN - Hentai Dubbing host Dick Tripwire said he was an expect at hentai and PoKeMoN; which begs the question: what's the difference?
    4. Ham and Cheese Sub Sandwiches - Can you say "phallus symbol?"
    5. Tuna Casserole - The video Tripwire showed us had a woman making sex sounds using this delicious treat. Does anyone else here who went get kind of randy eating casserole now?
    6. Cottage Cheese - Same as #5, only worse -_-;.
    7. Future Demon Tentacled Hell Beasts - Now I am friends with many Future Demon Tentacled Hell Beasts, and they are quite nice creatures. They like ice cream and listening to jazz music; and many of them have wonderful families. I fear that if too many people look at these Future Demon Tentacled Hell Beasts in the wrong light, this species might be considered a danger; when, in fact, they really aren't. I'm just saying...
    8. Green Rooms - And I thought just the Green Door was bad enough.
    9. Masquerade Hosts - This year's Masquerade host went up onstage and said some C-words that I don't think the Sistas would like me to print.
    10. Puppies - From now on "puppies" will be referred to mean "going toilet." Let's practice: "Would you excuse me for a moment? I have to let the puppies out of the kennel." Try it at your next dinner party.
    11. Kittens - SURPRISEBUTTSEX!
    12. Snickers Candy - They call it "Snickers" 'cause it laughs at your tiny penis.
    13. Hard Candy - You can insert your own joke here.
    14. Necco Wafers - I don't know what they are, but when I do I'll surely remember this night!
    15. Arnold Schwarzenegger - This just in: Schwarzenegger started out as a porn director! I was also going to put what he was filming, but some of you are probably eating right now.
    16. Chiyo-chan’s Father from “Azumanga Daioh” - You oughta be ashamed of yourself, Mr. Chiyo-chan's Dad!!!!!
    Oh, how can I stay mad at that cute face?
    17. Yeah Dudes! - Now whenever we see these human creatures at the bar, we can all laugh and say, "They're gettin' ready for some tazing!" And speaking of that...
    18. The “Don’t Taze Me, Bro!” guy - Now whenever we take part in the mating ritual, we can forever call it "Tazing."
    19. Anime Boston Pre-Registration - Although we will never forget the Great Wait of '08, those two gals doing the yuri hentai scene will make us never forget all the "groaning" and "moaning" of having to wait in any sort of line.
    20. Flowers - They say some flowers look like a woman's ladyparts. Now you know, and knowing is half the battle.

    21. Doctors - Nobody really likes going to the doctors, especially those that like to stick their finger in, well, I should probably stop myself here.
    22. The people that I do anime screenings with; a couple, of which, are also ESH members!!! - We are naughty, and we're proud of it!

    But these dubbings are a lot of fun, and they allow even the most pure of people to be just a wee bit perverted. It’s all in the spirit of fun, so don’t take it too seriously.

    This is King Baby Duck saying "If it ain't made in Japan, it's usually crap!"

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