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    Prototype Comic

    posted @ 4/16/2008 09:58:00 PM by Ninjasistah
    Sierra Entertainment and DC Comics have decided to partner up and create a comic book based on the upcoming Sierra/Vivendi title Prototype which looks FREAKIN' PHENOMENAL!

    In the game Prototype, the gamer controls the PC of Alex Mercer. Alex is a special boy. He's genetically altered [more like turned into a mutant of X-Men proportion] and now is shape-shifter of sorts. [a la Mystique] Alex has no memory of his past [a la Wolverine] and is,
    hell bent on solving the mystery of his existence...
    Yes, Alex is a special boy.

    The game is set in NYC and is developed as an open world game by the folks from Radical, so you know it will be good. But the fact that they are going to make it a comic series really has me intrigued. It's obvious from the video trailers for the game that Alex is not a complete good good, and may be more charcoal than grey, and I think that the comic and graphic novel genres lend themselves well to telling the story of these kinds of characters. When done correctly, a great comic will emotionally align you with the character, good or evil, which in turn can make you uncomfortable.

    I make no bones about the fact that I absolutely love the Cassandra Cain Batgirl series of comics. I have nothing against Barbara Gordon, I never knew the woman personally, but it was the darkness that Cassandra came out of that really made me like her. Strike that, I loved her. I loved the fact that she didn't come from a good home. I loved the fact that she had to struggle with learning mercy. Cassandra was trained to be an assassin from the time she was born. I imagine it will be a similar case with Mr. Mercer and I doubt that an open world game [no matter how open it is] will be able to deliver the same type of depth as a graphic novel could.

    I love BioShock, and bet I would be a huge fan of the tale being told as a 7 or 8 volume novel even more. I was interested in this game after I first heard about it, now I'm excited.

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