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    King Baby Duck's J-MUSIC Band of the Week: Electric Eel Shock

    posted @ 9/08/2008 08:26:00 PM by King Baby Duck
    So many Japanese CDs to review, yet so many bands that are needed to be heard. Welcome to the first of a (hopefully) weekly look at Japanese music that truly matters. Today we look at Electric Eel Shock.

    I first heard of Electric Eel Shock while looking on the website of the popular South By Southwest (SXSW) festival in 2006. Each year I look on the site to see which bands from the Land of the Rising Sun will grace this spectacular event. That year, Electric Eel Shock would be playing there. The song they had listed for a free listen was the addictive "Scream For Me," from their 2005 album "Beat Me."

    Electric Eel Shock - "Scream For Me"

    Composed of Akihito Morimoto (vocals, guitar), Kazuto Maekawa (bass), and Gian (drums, cock sock), this Japanese heavy metal trio eats, breathes, sleeps, and bones pure heavy metal rock 'n' roll! Not only that, but their live shows are simply a marvel to watch. In June of 2006 they played a show in Cambridge, MA at the surely-to-be-famous-one-day Middle East. My cousin and I caught their show, and had the chance to meet the trio; who were the most down-to-earth guys I've ever had the pleasure of meeting. That night, in that tiny club, they played a show that was football stadium-worthy. I knew right then and there that Electric Eel Shock would be one of the biggest bands of all time.

    Electric Eel Shock - "Suicide Rock 'n' Roll"

    They have released four albums so far: "Slayers Bay Blues," "Go USA!" (or "Go Europe" in non-American countries), "Beat Me," and "Transworld Ultra Rock." Each album has been able to capture their live sound to a key, a feat that many bands have dreamed of doing. The mix of heavy metal, hard rock, and punk has also helped Electric Eel Shock with creating a distinct sound (meaning that when you hear one of their tracks out of the blue, you know it's them). They have also made fans of the likes of Ozzy Osbourne, Bloodhound Gang, Judas Priest, and the Presidents of the United States of America to name just a couple. Plus, this year, they were the fastest band ever to raise $50,000 to make their next album on the new site SellABand. Their fanbase is continuously growing, and soon not even the biggest rock festivals will be able to contain their sound. In short: Electric Eel Shock is one of the top bands that every person should turn their ears towards.

    This is the full show from the SellABand Festival. (Sadly, Gian has not been able to tour outside of Japan due to him taking care of his Mom; who is recovering from cancer. My thoughts, prayers, and wishes go out to his entire family; and I hope a speedy recovery comes soon for the mother of one of the world's greatest drummers!)

    This is King Baby Duck: Ain't born to lose, baby, I'm born to win! I'm so Goddamn slick, baby, it's a sin!

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