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    King Baby Duck's Anime Calamity: Detroit Metal City

    posted @ 10/18/2008 01:53:00 PM by King Baby Duck

    Like a terrorist from Hell comes the metal comedy "Detroit Metal City."

    OP Theme - SATSUGAI (Murder)

    Negishi leaves his farm home to live in Tokyo, with a dream to become a famous pop singer. Unfortunately he winds up becoming Krauser II, the lead singer and guitarist of Detroit Metal City; a death metal band that sings about death, murder, rape, sex, and other vulgar acts. DMC winds up becoming a huge band, but Negishi’s pop star dreams still flourish. Will he be able to shed off the death metal shtick, or will Krauser II overpower Negishi, making him become a true death metal god?

    We have found our next Spinal Tap! To see the band members out of character, and then see them onstage is like watching two completely different characters for each person. Plus, the secondary characters are a riot, as well. The real star is the Death Records Manager, who spits f-bombs and c-words like free $100 bills and tortures the entire band to make them more death metal-ish. The sweetie in the show is Yuri, an old friend of Negishi who he still loves. He has a chance to show his true feelings, but every time he's interrupted by his Krauser alter-ego. What happens is too funny for words, but what he does I can’t say here. Your going to have to watch it yourself. Negishi and his Krauser character is something like a cross between "Metalocalypse" characters Nathan Explosion and Toki: a soft, scrawny man with an intimidating double. Anyone who loves that [adult swim] show will love “Detroit Metal City.” Plus with the live-action movie out now in Japan -- and with many offers to bring this film to America -- this anime series will greatly prepare you for what looks like the comedy event of the year.

    “Detroit Metal City” gets an A. This is Japan’s wonderful answer to “Metalocalypse”: great metal, hilarious characters, and fun for college students everywhere to watch. Let’s hope the live-action movie is just as good.

    Actual Video for "SATSUGAI" for DMC Movie

    This is King Baby Duck: "Ain't born to lose, baby, I'm born to win! I'm so Goddamn slick, baby, it's a sin!"

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